Wymondham College Futures

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Welcome to Wymondham College Futures - the programme aimed at enabling students to achieve their full potential and make informed decisions regarding the opportunities and challenges of life after College.

At Wymondham College, we appreciate the importance of inspiring and informing students, providing effective and impartial information, advice and guidance to enable them to make decisions about their future. We also aim to equip them with the skills, qualifications and experience they need to realise those aspirations.

Careers education, advice and guidance is provided from Year 7 onwards via the school’s PSHE curriculum, supported by a comprehensive range of activities delivered by the Careers Leader.

You can read our College Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance policy and the full CEIAG strategy here.

The College believes that each student should receive:

  • Clear advice and information about options available to students when making key decisions for GCSEs, post 16 and post 18 
  • An understanding of students’ own skills and strengths
  • Awareness of key employability skills and opportunities to develop these
  • Support and guidance to help them make choices and complete a career plan for the future
  • Personal support and information through individual guidance
  • Practical support with applications, CVs and interview skills
  • Opportunities to learn about the world of work and gain inspiration direct from employers and staff

Careers Leader contact information

Margarita Harris

Careers Lead

T: 01953 609000  Ext 3382

E: m.harris@wymcol.org

Years 7-9

Year 7 

Self awareness is the key focus, enabling students to develop the ability to reflect and self-evaluate skills, and gain an idea of interests and aspirations. This introduction to careers education is centred on the individual learner, allowing them to consider the skills they are starting to gain through involvement in school and extra-curricular activities.

Year 8

Considering options and decision-making are key, as students make their GCSE choices towards the end of the academic year.  Students are supported to consider:

  • How different factors can influence and sway decisions
  • How to consider all options and who to ask for advice
  • The long-term impact of decisions made now
  • The concept of a 21st Century career
  • Stereotypes in education and the world of work

The programme is delivered through the curriculum, tutor programme and year group talks. The Careers Leader and Independent Careers Adviser are available as required for personal guidance and attend the Year 8 options evening for parents and students. Alternative KS4 provision (such as UTCs) is discussed at the Options Evening.

Year 9

With GCSE choices already made, Year 9 students receive careers information through the tutor programme, a year group talk focusing on gender stereotyping, an assembly with the Career Leader to introduce post GCSE options and all students take part in an Enterprise event in July. Personal guidance is offered as required.

Years 10-11

Year 10 The focus is on developing an understanding of career opportunities, including apprenticeships, further and higher education, as well as developing students’ own employability skills. Students are encouraged to find work experience during holidays where appropriate.

  • Year group talks – making the most of Year 10, options available at 16+
  • Get Set for Success events– business mentoring covering students own employability skills and qualities, CV and interview skills, plus     employer/employee encounters.
  • Apprenticeships Information Evening, autumn term to meet employers and apprenticeship providers
  • Invitation to attend Aim High programme involving trip to a masterclass in Cambridge, subject-based trips to conferences, in-College discussions and debates led by senior staff and Oxbridge graduates
  • Invitation to apply for South Norfolk Assessment Centre and South Norfolk Youth Advisory Board conference
  • Personal guidance via a careers appointment with careers adviser
  • Engaging with employers through off-site careers events and careers talks in school
  • Introduction to work experience and how to apply
  • Business mentoring, advice and guidance for targeted students

Year 11

During Year 11 students will consolidate the information they have gained over the previous years and be able to identify their own strengths and ambitions and be aware of the opportunities available to them. Personal guidance is key. Further careers activity during Year 11 will involve:

  • College-led Year group talks - options Post 16 including A Levels, FE and apprenticeships
  • External speakers – year group talks from local FE colleges, AIM Apprenticeships, NCS
  • Introduction to online careers resources to enable choices, notably Help You Choose and use of Unifrog
  • Be Real game – through PSHE curriculum involving CVs and life skills
  • Further Education Presentation – early spring term. Students meet representatives from local FE colleges
  • Support in making applications, producing CVs and covering letters
  • Apprenticeships Information Evening, autumn term to meet employers and apprenticeship providers
  • Personal support for apprenticeship/FE/other applications
  • Personal guidance through individual appointments with careers adviser
  • Targeted personal guidance offered based on tutor referrals, College data, information provided by Norfolk County Council
  • Aim High programme – Year 11 students invited to take part in College discussions and debates led by senior staff and Oxbridge graduates

Useful Resources

Measuring and Assessing the impact of our Careers Programme

DfE Destinations Data which analyses post 16 and post 18 choices looking at the variety of student destinations, retention rates and those not in training, education or employment.

New Anglian Network Enterprise Co-ordinator and Enterprise Adviser — External visitors who work with the College visiting at least once per half term working on attaining the Gatsby Benchmarks and Compass Tools to assess the impact of our careers provision.

Quality in Careers Standard – Voluntary external assessment of the College’s careers provision via an authorised assessment body, Careermark. Achieved the national Quality in Careers Standard in May 2017, with revalidation in May 2019.

Careers Leader in post: Mr David Wallace to provide a stable careers programme and internally assess success via a range of sources including student voice, curriculum audit, additional opportunities audit, work scrutiny.

Review of Careers Programme:

The College Careers policy and strategy are reviewed on an biennial basis. The last strategy review was September 2020.  


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